
You can't expect someone to do something for you the exact way you would want it,learn to get up and do things for yourself,don't be overdepenent on someone,you can only love what you do by yourself whole heartedly .
Everyone has their own capacity,not everyone can understand everything the way you do.
If anyone ever helps you do something be thankful,if someone helps you with certain tasks continually always appreciate the person,not everyone can be helpful.
If your assistant ever makes a mistake try to forgive it,no one is perfect...everyone is bound to make mistakes,no one is perfect but we all strive to perfection,that's what we need to know.
Practice makes perfect,don't judge anyone, it'll amount to nothing.
    Appreciation is not something everyone possess,so try to be one of the many few you are appreciative.

Have a splendid weekend. #derincares.


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