No limits.

" How can you say the sky is your limit when there are footprints on the moon?"
                                    ~Akinyele Eliot

    Everything seems impossible, there's always a barrier. Even if all prospects of achievement look bleak, you shouldn't let anything stop you. The wind doesn't go down for a wall, you shouldn't stop pushing
    Accepted, every society has it's hindrances, sometimes for you to glow you have to avoid them. You have to start from somewhere, always the bottom, to end up at the top.
Achievement doesn't come overnight,
It's a gradual process.
     Don't give ear to the noise of society, give no eye to the jealous.
Push the hatred out of your mind, just keep moving till you get to the "moon."
    How can you give ear to society when you know what you want, you have your dreams, let nothing hinder you.
     ...The skyscraper does not stop the tsunami, let nothing block your wish.
Get yourself moving,
Have that goal, work towards it.
      No one has the right to stop you, except if you're doing the wrong thing.
The sky ain't your limit no more,
It's now the moon,
There are footprints on it,
Make sure to make yours one of them.


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