Keep your hopes high

Have you ever wondered if life will be better?
Have you ever wondered if you'll ever find true happiness?
  Truth is, everything shall pass, including trouble, God is by your side and he's preparing a great future ahead of you, you just play your part and keep pushing.
    Memories are a constant reminder that nothing (bad) lasts, you won't remain in the same position forever, you either move up or down, your progress or retrogress is determined by your dedication to whatever it is you're doing.
   That moment you feel you have it all, then life's like, "lol, hold on a sec" then it throws something at you, that's just how life is, trying to humble you when it sees you getting wings.
   Don't forget, you might be in a bad condition, but trust me, it's all for a while, you'll come out of it pretty soon and it shall pass.


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