Calm down

How do you treat frustration?
 When everything seems out of hand, and you just don't know what to do, when anger keeps welling up inside of you daring you to explode, when you just don't know how to contain it all or express the way you feel. When resentment is blocking your view of something better.
    You desire to get things done then something comes along the way to disrupt you, not once or twice but at every single time, leaving you in a room with flames of untamed anger. 
I know how disappointing things can get, I know how much anger can rise from within making you snap at the slightest.

   Just remember, things are meant to happen, everything cannot go right, which is why you need to analyze what's wrong and create time that you know you won't be interrupted, and do your thing that moment, and remember, its all going to be alright.
  Find your inner peace, connect with it often, let your imagination run wild, just keep yourself calm and avoid blowing up and shutting down.


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