Brighten up

A lot of hands will definitely suppress you in your walk towards a great future, just don't allow them to, give them a reason not to, and if they can't see beyond their hatred for you, take full advantage of the situation, keep your head in the game and shine bright let them know that despite their wish to pull you down, you'll always find a way to get back on your feet and shine bright.
    It's a great feeling to know you've proven people wrong, try your best to get that. Work towards that betterment, if everything seems out of place, don't worry, it will turn out to be better for you if you persevere.
    Shine your light so bright, they'll need sunshades to see you in the day and at night. Glow like you have no worry in the world, because, really, you don't need to.
   Hey, brighten up, people out there are looking up to you, people out there are watching your every footstep so they'll follow in your tracks, don't give them a dull glow because of your situation, don't let the people around you have their way into your life, don't let them determine your joy, just breathe in, ignore them and keep pushing.
   You're a role model to people, you have secret admires, parents use you as an example to their wayward children, don't let those negative people stop you from doing what is right and what you love best.
    Just shine and keep shining till you're too bright for them to look.


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