
    What does it take to be acceptable, to be flawless, to be beautiful? It's so easy going all natural rather than altering what God has so perfectly designed.
   Really, you are God's masterpiece, a beauty to behold, each and every single detail of you was designed and made with God's careful hands. It's perfectly normal to try to look extra beautiful, but, trust me, a little extra can be too much and can have major aftereffects, but it's not bad having a try.
   The outer beauty is nothing if the inner beauty has spots. True beauty is from within, not outside, just that you have to look presentable, but don't keep trying to alter every intricate detail God has embedded in you. Love your body, accept your thickness and slimness, adore your facial features, not everyone will respect your looks, but God knows what he did and he knows that he did a great job.
   Don't beat yourself up because you're not beautiful, you are beautiful, so walk with pride, keep your poise, stay confident, not everyone will adore those curves and radiant smile, not everyone will adore your athletic build and towering height, not everyone will adore your confident walk, which is why you should do what is convenient for you, forget about them, they have nothing to offer you but hatred.
   Shower yourself with God's love, and the love of those who adore your beauty.
  Beauty lies in the heart of the beholder not only the eyes.
Painting by Joseph Micheal
IG @iam_micray.


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