African Dream

To be lifted, to be liberated,
We have the hopes to see better aspects of life
No doubt we're not happy with our situation,
We don't like the feeling of inferiority,
We want to be equal to our counterparts despite the fact that they seem better than us.
We can always rise, we can always be better,
We just need to put our hands together and stay focused on our goals.
If we want our dream to become reality, we need to work towards it.
Put the right people in power, those who will move our continent forward, make it stronger and form an alliance with its citizens.
  We are Africans,
Yes we are black,
  We are Africans,
Yes we have dreams, and we want to see them in reality.
We want to see our African Dream come to life.
Dreams of better roads,
Standard infrastructures, stable and buoyant economy, huge enterprises, great professionals and of course love and unity amongst ourselves.
  Sometimes we don't need to wait for those at the top to act,
Spread love in your little way, it's going to make a great difference.
    This is the African Dream.
Beat the drums,
Dance all night,
Celebrate the festivals,
Adore and preserve culture,
    But do not stop our African Dream.
Painting by Joseph Micheal.
IG @ iam_micray.


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