
You never know who is really by your side until when you get into a difficult situation and there's no way out. There's no way for you to know so soon who your true friend is, not until your bad times come or when your past comes haunting you.
   You might be so close to someone, you think you and the person are inseparable, well, not until everything goes down hill for you and the person disappears.
   As you grow older your choice of friends changes, it's your right to choose who you want as a friend, it's not compulsory for you to befriend someone, anyone.
   The wiser you get, the more insight you get, then you see life in a different light, someone might have the same insight like you, someone else might not, it's not in your power to know a person's thoughts, if it matches yours and it's not your fault if a friendship ends, you're equally as responsible for the friendship as the other person, so it can't be entirely your fault for the end of what was once a great friendship.

Painting by Joseph Micheal
IG @ _iammicray


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