I'm worried (home)

    The pandemic, COVID-19 is ravaging the world. We're all ordered to stay home
Observe sanitation
Avoid crowded places,and lots more.
   Of course everyone is safe in their homes ,lesser risk of getting infected.
   But my thought doesn't trail to them. It doesn't even wander to their territory.
   My thoughts trail to the homeless, the migrants, the doctors, the media, armed forces what would they do?
  I can't help but cry at the prospect of the migrants being locked out of countries they intended to get into and having to walk their way to get somewhere to stay, they're well far away from home.
  Talk more of the homeless, now will be really difficult times for them, no one to get alms from, no food, worse,they have no home, they'll be out on the streets like they've always been, hungry, wandering, homeless. They can't stay safe, they can't stay home. They can't be on a lockdown, they are just there...no hopes of what to eat or how to get money to survive.
    So also the medical personnels, kudos to them, they're staying away from home to fight what's keeping us at home. They're having sleepless nights trying to cure it, and in the process, some get infected and die, then they go "home".
  The media, ever willing to give us facts and updates, risking their lives to get to work to provide you with up-to-date information. Really, in trying times,  facts are all you need.
    The armed forces, staying out on the streets, day and night to ensure no one is disobeying the orders, opening themselves to encounter with infected people, risking their own lives to protect us.
  So also the political heads, and of course, those of you who are staying home.
  My kudos goes to them all.
They deserve their accolades.
📸By Emmynificient.


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