This is Culture.

 Some things in life will always remain the same; the hustle and bustle of city life, the collectiveness of the rural area. You know one more thing that will remain the same? Culture. Maybe not entirely, but traces of it will be left in the fragment of history.

                The hawkers, there is absolutely no way you can keep them off the road, it just doesn’t work that way. The cart-pushers, the scavengers, the nomadic cobblers and so many more.

                In a place where there is no trace of culture, the roads are clean of road-side vendors. In a place where their roots have been uprooted, the vehicular transporters are forced to get food at an eatery, why? There are no hawkers on the road.

                Fine, it is annoying, but we can’t deny that culture is actually a way people earn a living, those who society has just not been fair to.

You can’t deny you’ve never been stuck in traffic and a hawker comes to your rescue; your saving grace. There are a lot of things you can’t help but embrace the beauty in it, that you can’t help but be thankful for their existence.

This is culture; the road-side food vendors, the hawkers, the make-shift food canteens, the beggars in the traffic, the “audience” at the road side, the gala sellers, the drink sellers, the common chant they all recite to catch your attention even if you don’t want them to. Mouth-watering fast foods on display in show glasses, open air snacks exposed to air particles and germs but still have people rushing it.

                This is culture and even if we don’t want it to, some things will remain, because we are so used to it, we can’t do without it. This is the beauty of tradition; culture.

                This is culture and you have to embrace it.

pic by Derin.

hi, here is the link to my book on Wattpad, I will share the other link in the next post.


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