Have You Ever?


Have you ever felt chocked up and just blank?
like there is this crazy feeling you can’t shake off?

Have you ever felt like you were drowning?

Maybe in your own flowing river of tears?

Well, you’re not alone.


If your mind can be burdensome.

If you have ever felt stripped.

Like you are useless and lack purpose

I feel that way too.


Just look at me,

Nuh, nuh, nuh, I’m not a spec, nuh. I’m just here living my life

Trying so hard to please everyone.

Oh, I do that all the time.


I’m undervalued and unappreciated.

Unwelcomed and unpraised,

Funny how all my efforts ALWAYS end in futility

And my day is incomplete if I don’t cry to sleep.


It’s a beautiful world,

But mine is lined by grays and dark shadows.

They’re my friends.

If I don’t see the dark clouds, I won’t be happy,

I won’t be at ease,

I won’t be…be.

I’ll just be there,

Silently hoping I don’t explode

That I don’t go KABOOM!


So, tell me.

Have you ever felt burdened?

Like these treasures are weighing you down?

Have you ever felt strangled?
with no air to breathe in the park?
have you ever felt so afflicted

and absolutely dejected?

Have you ever felt anything but peace?

Anger, frustration, dejection and depression?

Like I said,

You’re not alone.









  1. This actually lifted a burden....It spoke to me...Like it literally scanned me and melted me...This killed two birds with one stone(The writeup made me realize And also made me relieved...)

  2. I've never felt alone reading n relating

  3. Nice write up
    Heart touching and heart felt.
    Keep it up dear ������

  4. This is totally me; "Undervalued", "Unappreciated", "Frustration", "Depression". Bless you Derin. You've just restored my hope.

  5. Replies
    1. A balm for the soul. A piece from the heart to the heart. Thanks b❤️, you have helped a lot of people with this piece


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