
Its funny how we are all so distinct, how we all have various definitions for terms, how we all react differently. We all know its fun…to see different people react differently, the only issue is when they become to get judged, when we start to make baseless assumptions without knowing anything about these people in our lives.

Sad right?

But it’s all part of human emotions, we always bear the same response, we only deliver differently. One thing I’ve come to realize is we are all guilty of instant assumptions that are usually false. I hope you get me.

Look at it this way;

We all have faced trouble, messy things that kick off anger in us, spark emotions and refresh memories. Oh, that’s not all, the moment we begin to realize we aren’t the same, that we have all gone through shit in our lives is when we begin to appreciate diversity.

Yes, someone is uptight – you don’t know why, yep, someone is so friendly it makes you suspicious – you don’t know why, and of course there’s that person that just gets you puzzled about what they really think because they are ever so distinct with their reactions at different points. I hope you see the pattern.

  The reaction of people is all based on whatever past they have had, or whatever skill they learned, of whatever messy period they have been through in their lives.

Reason it, if we all had the same upbringing – happy homes and childhood – no depression or trauma faced along the line and getting all our desires met, do you think we would all be judgmental? Maybe, maybe not. But because we have faced different things, gone through so many experiences, seen things and gone through shit, we cannot all be the same.

It’s not uncommon to see someone faced with trauma, someone who previously faced assault, and so can never trust anyone, someone who got overly sensitive and soft after going through shit. Like I said, we’ve all gone through trouble, we’ve all faced different things.

We have gained…we have lost…we have fought, we have buckled under pressure, we have gotten tougher, and we have gotten softer.

But we can’t blame ourselves for our reactions, such things happen and its absolutely normal…its absolutely normal and our reactions should stay just true…because that is all that really matters.

People will always judge, but like you already know, people come…people go…let that sink.




  1. This is deeepppp... 😤
    Got me thinking about lots of things..

    Thanks for sharing babe


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