Philippians 4:19

Why do we always worry about what we have and do not have? Why do we loose hope and get less patient? Why can't we all believe that one day all we've ever wished for will be granted to us? God will supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,so what's all the worry for? Your financial crisis,emotional crisis,family problems,worry,insecurities,academic issues and many more problems are all for a while,all your insecurities are stepping Stones to a brighter future. Each and every one of your needs will be provided for by God,all you need to do is believe,be hopeful,have faith,and keep calm because God has your best interests at heart,he will never leave or forsake you, depend on him,believe his words,work according to his commandments and all will be well with you.
"For my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
       Philippians 4:19.
There is nothing God cannot do so put your faith in him.
Have a great day.
Derin Dawodu.


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