
People always tend to disregard some set of people, disrespect them or feel they don't  need due attention or respect. When in fact,they're meant to be respected,paid well ,treated like every other person,given their high pay and proper attention.
One of these "people" are hire them for an occasion you're holding,but you're not ready to face the bills that will be your opinion,you're hiring and paying someone who takes pictures...the fact is gone are the days when photography is something cheap ...this is a new era,now photography is more has more processes than before,so many more branches.
You have it in mind that you're hiring someone who can take pictures when in fact you're hiring someone who can take high quality pictures to meet your requirements,someone with A-class camera equipments, lightning equipments,computer and image editing skills,to mention but a few,not to mention the fact that photographers are humans like you and I,they have wants and needs,they pay bills,they have families to feed,education to further,pleasures to forfeit,relationships to keep.
If you really have a heart, you'll give photographers their hard earned and well deserved pay, they're humans like you and I respect them.


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