Don't Judge.

Don't hate, don't judge, just accept differences in the world.
We all have our different background,
We all have our pasts.

It's usually difficult to meet new people and put your trust in them,
You don't know who to confide in,
You don't know who to tell about your past.
The dark times,
The good times,
Or even your goals.
For fear of being stolen away from you.

Just keep one thing in mind always,
We're all different in our own ways,
We all have our insecurities.
Which is why you should get your facts right before you conclude on anyone.


  1. This is exactly how I feel.
    Keep it up. You're about to shine really bright.

  2. Nice one, keep it up

  3. Most times you write what I feel .... Thanks for helping out my feelings in words ❤️

  4. Most times you, you get exactly how I feel buh one thing that makes this different is the ability to which you access into people's mind ... Anyways thanks for helping me express me feelings in words ❤️

  5. Are you in my head?😅

    Thank you so much. I feel much better now


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