The Big A


Where do I start? What do I say? How should express this? Like…how?!

Okay, I’ll throw you a question…how does it feel when you have millions of worries on your mind? Let’s say you have thousands of hands holding you down? Like you needed a break so urgently. Let me tell you what it is.

   It’s like you’re thirsty, there is a pitcher of ice water in the distance, but you can’t reach it…you have to wait for it to pass everyone to get to you, absurd right? Yes.

It’s like being in a hot room with only one standing fan in the corner, no matter how hot you are, the fan will never face you except it turns in your direction, so you have to be very patient.

 I’m going to say it’s like having a desire at heart but having nothing within your means to get it granted; so, you have to wait.

                ANXIETY is like a reversed depression, if not taken care of it would eventually turn to depression, anxiety feels like you’re drowning, the life saver jacket is thrown at you but you can’t reach it to put it on.

                Funny? Anxiety is like being suffocated; the door is there waiting to be opened but for some reason you can’t reach it…anxiety is like a mini fighter. It makes you worried, makes you think of various unrelated issues that normally wouldn’t bother you. It’s an annoying subject, a terrifying feeling.

                Anxiety is like feeling anger, fear, depression, sadness, excitement, nervousness and curiosity all in one breath…anxiety makes you want to breathe but gives you every reason not to. It makes you desire something and still not want that thing all in one vein.

Anxiety is like a diabetic eating sweet; it’s a craving, a desire waiting to be satisfied but still having the reason to be a harm and life-threatening blessing in disguise.

   So how do you overcome it…how do I let this terrible feeling go? The thing is you might want to let go of it but the beast loves your company, loves making you cry, loves leaving you in tears, loves raising your blood pressure and loves leaving you lost.

  Is therapy for anxiety? Yes…you can talk to someone; you can buckle up and enter the battlefield you’ve been standing on the sidelines watching while filling your heart with fear.

  In the end, one thing is inevitable, you either loose the battle or win it.

Anxiety is here to stay; you just have to kick it out, and leave it with every reason not to come after you again. You have to stand tall and fearful for the beast, stand ready for battle when it comes.

   Remember those heavy hands of sorrow? They will try to push you in deeper…you have to fight them off or cut them off, don’t let them drag you into the mud, no…bring them into the light or use your battle ax to do justice to them…that’s all this war is about; who wins it?

Art by Creative Pixels.


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