While Men Sleep.


The eyes of all are fallen in surrender

All emotions vacant

The breath of all is shallow and even

Everyone is away


But there is one

Who refused to surrender

To that overpowering force


There is one that will never be asleep

Even if a heavy rain falls.


It’s night,

The time for all worries of the day to be heightened

The time where all demons face you squarely and have you cornered

The time where no amount of caffeine can induce you

Yes, it’s that serious.


This time, much like the day

Has to be faced

But it can be conquered

Or can it?

You feel victorious

Until it knocks you unexpectedly

And leaves you in shock.

                Take it this way; while men sleep and regenerate energy, there is that one man that never seems to be at ease in the day or at night. No matter what he tells himself, he will always be lost in his worries and consumed by fear.

                There will always be a reason for him to fear the sundown. Worry will always be his characteristic. All issues of the day always seem to gain weight at night, right? They always feel so big at night, right?

   Well, here is the thing. The issue will always be there, you will always be tasked with it and you will always think of how to tackle it.

  Try this; a change of trajectory, a new style of facing your worries. One course will bring success if it is right, the same course can cause failure if wrong.

Let no motivational speaker fool you in this sense to press on, even if the issue doesn’t want you to press on. If one approach fails, think up another. Some things require various methods for elimination. You can do your thinking while men sleep, and help yourself catch your sleep.


Yes, the worries will be there

But they are ready for you to battle them

Like the evil they are they want a fight.

And you have to go around

You deserve to win battles for strengths

It’s alright to lose a battle

It just shouldn’t be regular.


Go to battle with a different weapon

Enter the battle ground and stop standing in the sidelines

Face the enemy camp squarely

Use a new method

Get them off guard

And come out victorious.



Hi, please help read my novel on this site Bambooks.



Thank you.



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