Special People


Hi…so, a little birdy told me that sometimes you feel like you’re not relevant, that you looked through a group chat and there was no mention of you in any way, which made you feel bad, hey, its cool, I get it.

You see, we make a lot, and I mean a lot of wrong decisions and sometimes make conclusions that just aren’t true. I get you saying you seem irrelevant, it’s absolutely relatable, so you know what else is? The fact that you don’t need anyone to tell you you matter.

            Okay, you feel irrelevant because you were not even asked of, no one remembered you…you were left forgotten.

It’s not the first time right?

You should be used to it right?

So, here…I’m sure you would have a crew that actually counts you as someone, a group of special people that you can’t even deny missing and can’t bear that thought of losing, let’s not sound romantic here, just normal friendship. You do right?

            We will all be ghosts at some point in our lives, we will all have these feelings that we need to shake off. Yeah, you’ve spent years with these people and you still don’t get recognized by them…but, like I mentioned, the fact that a set of people forgets you doesn’t mean that everyone else would, the fact that you expected to be remembered but wasn’t doesn’t make you irrelevant. You probably had no function in the conversation, you were probably not seen as vital…nothing relating to you was probably mentioned and so you were not mentioned.

You might be quiet…so am I…you might be the last person to lift spirits…so am I…you might always be forgotten…I get that a lot, yeah, I get this A LOT. But one thing you should come to know is everyone cannot forget you…you cannot always be overlooked, there will be that special people somewhere who can’t shake you off, you know that right?

            You will always be remembered, you are not irrelevant. You matter. This isn’t a motivation, it’s a wakeup call, and it’s for you to be happy and forget the bad.

Just a reminder here…you matter…a lot!


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