When They Hit


Let's put these emotions into words, shall we?

They are great at working their way into you aren't they?

Disrupting every single thing in your being and making you utterly lost.

You keep feeling like nothing's going right and well, you are convinced of that. But you don't know why,

Do you?

You're just lost and feel abandoned and broken even if you think you're fine and you do know you are not.

You know you want to get things right but you can't, hence the emotions are allowed to get you alive.

It's not your fault, they always get you, you always have no idea when they creep up on you, but you can never sense their presence. And then, they slowly become a part of you, you welcome them and they are absolutely usual to you and perfectly normal to your sanity.

When they creep up, you don't mind the scare. You only mind when they come with a new face because then you can't pin the new side to them and you're left in confusion.

Weird but...that's how it is.

When they hit hard and threaten to break you...that is when you are at your lowest.

Sounds depressing and demoralising,

But we all can't deny it's the truth.

The solution...you just keep trying to limit their effect on you, all you have to do is allow them to rule because eventually there would be that balance you've been hoping for in your head. And hopefully, you'd come around pinning every new sensation you get, no matter how strange.



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