
Look alive, the world isn’t so bad, yes it could be trashy, puzzling, frustrating and a bunch of other terrible words you could borrow to describe it but…it’s still the world.

Sad reality, nothing seems to be getting better no one knows just how bad things could get and we’re all lost in a façade of what we think is right, we all know we do not know what is right or wrong anymore these days.

Let’s face it…we keep hoping but we still have that single voice in our head telling us we’re hopeless, I’m wrong right? Yeah, I know I’m not.

But, just so you’d know, the whole world is twisted, the more you think about it, the more twisted it becomes and the more you realize you have to live your best life. True right? Relatable right?

The best option…live life right, you know what is right, and so far they don’t contradict societal norms, you have every reason to keep being that way, so yes, say absolutely true to yourself, it shard considering how hopeless things can get, how bad things look. But you have to admit you deserve peace of mind in this noisy and chaotic world, don’t you?

You do right?

So yes, stay absolutely fair, whatever your version of happy is, make sure you get it because you deserve it in every way possible. If nothing sticks in you, let that stick!


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