Intangible Memories


The human mind is messy, a whole room clustered with trouble and pain, cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, leaving it hard to retrieve things. Look at it this way, we live, get experience, feel and of course make memories.

Sadly, our mind eventually leaves us lost, you begin to position yourself especially when it seems you have forgotten what you were sure happened.

You’re pretty sure you went through something, that you had a lovely time, that your previous relationship was great, but slowly, you begin to forget little details, you begin to think about the time you spent somewhere and what exactly it was that you said.

Oh, the world is actually a loop, seems like when life takes you upside down, you forget the good things or even everything. You begin to realize you became forgetful.

It begins to feel like making memories is pointless if you can’t hang on to them when you need to, if you can’t hold on to them after the phase is over so it wouldn’t make you seem like you’re slipping and living in the past.

Its always that way, our experiences are always like that, but hey, we need to live that way, we need to be like that, yes, happiness doesn’t last…but its great when you have a single memory you can use to hold yourself together.

Memories might be intangible but you can’t deny that they sometimes can’t be forgotten.


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