How to make a vision board.

It's a good thing to have goals of what you want to achieve within a speculated time, be it few days, few weeks, or in a year, but it's a major issue for people to know what exactly to set as goals, having a vision board takes a lot of thinking about the right goals to have.
   To make a great vision board, you need to have a clear head, so you'll be able to think right.
Have your writing materials within reach so when a goal comes to mind you write it down immediately , having a vision board deals with writing things down anyway, so having your writing materials handy is very important.
  Separate yourself from others, go to a quiet place, you need to be as far away from noise as possible. Being in a quiet place will help you think well in addition to having a clear head.
   Write down the goals that comes to mind and if possible, set a  deadline for each, it would really be helpful to you.
 Pray to God, you need God's grace to reach every one of the goals on your vision board.
  Don't forget to give your vision board a title, so you won't mistake it for something else.
   Cross out every achieved goal over time to know if you're making progress or not.
Share your success story with others, but only if you want to.

Enjoy running with a purpose

Dawodu Aderinsola Blessing.


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