
That feeling you get when you discover you weren't able to do a task you set out to do
That frustrating feeling you get when you discover you're running out of time for that day .
The way  you think when you discover you wasted a lot of time, 
The way you feel knowing you cannot go back to correct an error made.
One thing is that we all are given the same hours in a day to do whatever we want.
The only thing needed is wisdom to divide our time wisely.
Stop procastinating and get things done
Of course you know time waits for no man.
Do that thing that very moment that you're free.
Plan and get things done.
Don't waste time,it's priceless.


  1. Coming straight outta wise one. Nice one

  2. Coming straight outta wise one. Nice one

  3. Hi, Can I have your number ��

  4. Wow!I love your words, so how will I stick to my daily routine every single day?


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