
On top of the world was he, living like he had no worry. Young and gay (gleeful), he was loved among all of his age, few despised him and always sought to plot against him. He held himself up to a high moral standard, and by reason of virtue and respect for anyone, he made it clear that he wouldn't harm a soul by word of mouth or by actions, for that he was loved, for his genuineness and compassion…little did he know that he was to be harmed.
      He walked into class one sunny morning, oh how beautiful the speed at which rumours fly; oblivious to the death glares at him, he sat texting someone with his phone with a huge grin on his handsome face, until an unknown number texted him.
   " You claim to be of a high moral standard, but you are nothing but a hypocrite."
   He was shaken and breathless, he couldn't imagine what could have caused this, and he couldn't believe that despite his stars and reputation, he was still hated.
   And so many more messages came into his phone like the first, that was when he realized he had fallen prey to the predator of gossip.
   Just a little "let me tell you something" destroyed his self image…the thing is rumour spreads fast and it's mostly not true. No one who spreads rumours has good intentions.
    Gossiping is like poison ivy, soothing to scratch the itch, but also painful as a result of it's effect on your skin.
Gossip is like fire outbreak, it destroys everything and leaves a mark…a permanent mark, either on the building or on the individual affected.
    A little something you should know is, before you go around spreading rumours, think about the person at whose expense they're cooked. Gossip is always harmful.
    "I've got gist for you," has destroyed a lot of things and it doesn't go about it by itself, it was carried by the tongue, and sadly, it is yet to destroy a lot more things.
   Caution, before you gossip, ponder on the topic…is it right to say this about someone to this person?
   It always start with "I want to tell you something, but don't tell anyone o."  But you already told someone, what then is the point? If you refuse to tell one more person, someone else will, and once the gist has been let out, it'll be too juicy to keep to oneself…so  they will have to share the "juice." You can't say you've never said that before, you can't say you've never gossiped before, but you can say you've never tarnished someone's image with your tongue right?
   That's just how gossip is, delicious and captivating, but highly lethal, don't attempt to share rumours, don't let your password be "let me tell you something…" you don't know when a "let me tell you something" will be used against you.


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