

You put in so much effort, but you're not appreciated, you seem to be the only one really trying hard. But why is it that the most committed fellow is the one who isn't appreciated?
The most committed fellow is the one not allowed to live his life, he's the one blamed for everything bad, but never given accolades for good deeds.
Bad luck you say?
Is it really bad luck?
Is it normal…is it?
Yes, it's everywhere.
Unfairness resides everywhere, in the home, in the dark corners, in the top organization and sometimes…even in your head.
You blame yourself for something bad. And you fail to remember you put in your efforts.
The problem is not always from outside, it's also from within.
The vibe you emit is the exact way people will treat you.
Not everyone can interpret vibes properly, it's a messed up subject. Not everyone can determine whether you should be told something or not.
No matter where you go, injustice will reign, and so will unfairness.
There are some things that cannot be erased in the course of existence, there are some things that it would be an impossible task to try to correct.
But you can always try to start from somewhere.
Start from yourself.
Fine, you didn't do it right, just don't forget the other millions of things you've done right.
Try to be fair to yourself if you want others to be fair to you.
Don't be focused on a service to humanity alone, be focused on a service to oneness. You will not get what you don't give yourself from others.
Work towards that.


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