Is it okay?

Is it okay to change yourself for others?
Is it okay to have difficulties all the time?
Is it okay to always be the subject of ridicule?
Is it okay to be the least important to others or easy target for everyone else?
Is it okay being dejected and ignored?
Is it okay for you to have no one to believe you or trust you all for nothing?
What is okay in this life?
Is it okay to flow with the trends?
 Is it okay to be the only one different from everyone?
Is it okay to be put down when you should be standing up for yourself?
Is it okay to be deceived that you're wrong, when you're right?
Is accepting criticism right?
Is it okay to be just you?
Is it okay to stand up for yourself in the midst of others?
Is it okay to always listen to motivational speakers?
Is it okay to be...lost...confused...ignored?
     What is okay? 
What is okay to everyone that will also be okay to you?
This need to realize that what you do won't always be cool with people, they'll ridicule it and tell you it's not okay... sometimes, all you have to do is ignore them and fight for what you think is right.
All you have to do is to use your intuition.


  1. Nothing seems okay....
    Even living life doesn't seem okay

  2. Thanks for this piece though..
    You are loved

  3. It is okay to use your intuition❤💖 thumbs up


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