Our Childhood

Not every child has the same background.
Have you ever passed an amusement park and see children playing in it and see a boy standing outside with goods on his head watching them?
Have you ever looked at your community field to see children that are supposed to be hawking watching the match?
Have you ever wondered if every child had the opportunity to play outside like everyone else?
Have you ever wondered if you could erase that single flaw in a child's childhood?
Childhood wasn't enjoyed by all, some had to endure curfews, beatings, ovrwhelming duties, curses, blames.
Some had to try to fit in.
Many had to endure being neglected.
Many didn't even have because their hometowns were constantly war zones.
Childhood is priceless, it's what made many people who they are today.
Sadly, not everyone's childhood was golden.
But everyone had happy moments in their childhood, sad moments and of course, golden moments.
Everyone has their funny memories and embarrassing memories, that's just how it is.
But not everyone had the luxury to go to an amusement park or to travel around the country or to even fly out of the country.
Not everyone was born with a golden spoon, some were born with wooden, some with clay and some with silver or bronze spoons.
Don't judge anyone and assume they had the best of their childhood, because you don't know how it was, you weren't inside of them.
Not every child had a playful childhood.
Some had to endure strict parents, some had to endure a lot more than you can imagine, assualt and the likes...
Some had to bear being insulted daily by their peers, some had to bear being the least important, and some had to bear being lonely all the time.
We've all had different childhoods, we've all had different memories.
What's your favorite?   


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