Be Free.

In this life, there are a lot of bumps and roadblocks, let’s not forget the bad mouths and never-do-wells…these people will always want to squash you and squeeze out your juice, they will always find a fault in your actions and will never look into their own lives. They will want you to always listen to their criticisms and be corrected, hey, don’t take it!

It’s your life, you really shouldn’t be apologetic for anything if you are doing the right thing. You really shouldn’t let them define the way you live because they won’t let you define the way they should live, so why should you listen to them?

You just do the right thing and live according to the discipline and principles you have been raised with. Let them say whatever it is they want to say, you were raised that way. Somethings in this life should not be brooded over. You shouldn’t feel guilty for living in a particular way.

                Excuse me, this is how society is ever since its beginning, and it will remain that way. If you give ear to their barks and squeals, you’ll never be able to listen to the beautiful singing that is within you.

Some people are just twisted and evil, they like to interfere in the lives of others and neglect their flaws. They like to scold and criticize another’s child when theirs is long gone on the path of waywardness.

You will always see them seated outside with their necks turning like a steering wheel, monitoring and watching all that goes on outside, but they will never have a solution or an idea of what goes on in their wretched homes. Ask them to give you an account of the week’s events and they will even give you the exact time each event happened.

 Tell me why you keep on letting them weave their evil words into your beautiful heart.

 Learn to be free and wise. They don’t know why you stay alone or why you like to be amongst people, so you shouldn’t let them press you till you are flat like a sheet of paper.
yes, all I’m saying is…be stubborn…and o! be free.




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