These Streets


These are the streets we were made of,

These rugged paths we’ve walked

These corners that defined our existence

These are the streets we were raised with

Born smooth and made rough by these very streets

These are the streets we grew to love and despise

The streets that taught us what the walls of our homes couldn’t


These streets made us tough and wise

We were made older and wiser than our age on the streets

We were taught to negotiate and maneuver on these very streets.

These are the streets.

And our stories of existence lie within.


These are the streets that made us troublesome and worrisome

That made others look at us like we are abnormal

These streets earned us a mark of respect.

We earned this respect from the life we lived on the streets.

These streets raised us and bestowed us with power

Making anyone who dared to cross us regret it


These streets gave us true friendships

And made us powerful

Exposed us to the vices of the world

And still kept us protected from these vices.

Made us law breakers

But made us ensure all were abiding by the laws of the streets

We were left to fend for ourselves on these streets, and still given shelter by these streets.

The role the streets have played in our lives are unmatchable, these are the ever-so-mighty streets and they can’t be replaced.


They made us who we are

They changed who we were

 Molded and transformed us

Gave us a new identity

Left us with a new family

Never left us stranded.


Yes, street pass street,

You know me by my hood

You move with me from my street

But, omo iya mi is omo iya mi  

We all are children of one mother

-Mother Street


Street-lords and subjects can identify themselves anywhere

 You’ll always know your mother’s child through the face. You’ll always know your street sibling through the face.


Don’t underestimate those on the streets

Dem no dey carry last

Dem dey hustle their hustle

 Dem dey ride their danfo

 And smoke their shisha

Dem no dey live fake life

You live true to your colour and origin

No fake life on the streets.

No, we don’t do that here

You stay true to your blood and you always defend your omo iya mi

These are the streets we are made of.

Picture by Derin, for more, check out my IG account @ derin_dawodu for more pictures this week.


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