It's A Push.


Past experiences are all for the best, they all have similar intentions to teach you. Experience is always the best teacher, just let the teaching be evident in your personality.

                You are who you are not only because of society and family but also because of the pain life has put you through…tears will be shed, emptiness will be felt, but one thing is sure-the wisdom it has impacted on you will remain in you.

That horrible pain and emptiness will fade away, but you will remain wise. No jokes. We all feel discouraged with the way our life is at a point in time, but  a  time will come that you will realize that the pain and discouragement you felt geared you up to become a better you, it was your rocket-booster for that betterment you yearned for.

 Now look up and look at yourself in a comfortable condition, just don’t forget- the pain pushed you.



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